WebProof 27001 Logo

Document Proofing Process, How Secure Is It?

Jakob Adeltoft With the  ISO 27001for our Document Proofing Process
The proud founder Jakob Adeltoft, CTO – receiving the ISO 27001 Certificate for WebProof “Online Platform for Collaboration and Documents Proofing”.

Is it too much to say that we live in the insecure world?

And, when we say the world, we mean both real and cyber world. Especially the digital world where most of our business activities take place.

This just couldn’t be truer when it comes to document proofing process. You’re extremely vulnerable when proofing your documents.

Why? Because you’re doing it the old, but definitely outdated email way.

From the security point of view this a living nightmare. All of your files are scattered around while you’re desperately trying to keep a track of thousands of emails used for document proofing.

Can you make sure that all of these emails have the desirable security options? Can you make sure that private emails aren’t being used? Of course, you can’t. And, this is exactly what the cyber predators and hackers are expecting to find. Is there a solution?

Document proofing in a safe and secure environment

ISO 27001 LogoWebProof is an online document collaboration and proofing platform that treats potential security concerns as its top priority. When it comes to the safety of WebProof’s clients, then there’s no room for mistakes or any kind of compromises.

That being said, you should be aware that WebProof is one of the very few SaaS companies that has obtained the prestigious ISO 27001 Security Certification. To give an additional weight to this remarkable achievement both WebProof’s Software and Cloud Hosting got this certification.

There you have it. With the ISO 27001 Security Certification
AAA Credit Certificate
WebProof gives you the best possible security guarantee you can possibly wish for. In case you have been wondering how secure is WebProof itself as a company, we took care of it too. Regarding its economic rating and financial stability, WebProof is a proud AAA verification holder. Less than 2% of all companies have managed to get it.

So, it’s really something.
27001 WebProof's Certificate
What does it mean for you and your document proofing? Well, first of all, ISO 27001 Security Certification gives you a much-needed peace of mind when it comes to the top class bulletproof security. Secondly, you can use our proofing services and tools with no need that they may become unavailable at the certain point as a result of the financial troubles or economic instability.

Top security standards for top clients

If you want to find out more about ISO 27001 Security Certification, feel free to search it or contact our support team. You can see for yourself how difficult and complex is to obtain this kind of certification in the first place.

At the same time, you’re going to appreciate an opportunity to proof your documents with nothing to worry about compromising your sensitive corporate information and exposing your documents to security vulnerabilities.

How does ADOBE look at SaaS security?

Security Report Saas Info RechNowadays, more than 94% of all companies are strongly dependent on SaaS (Software-as-a-Service).

Furthermore, according to the findings of the Info-Tech Research Group, the overwhelming majority of IT managers put more faith in the SaaS security than their own security solutions and resources.

Being an Adobe partner, WebProof closely follows all security trends and validates the trustworthiness of the SaaS security on a daily basis. Here’s the SaaS Security Report issued by the Info-Tech Research Group, so you can get a closer look.

WebProof will remain faithful to its policy of applying only the most prestigious and trustworthy certifications available in the industry.

We will make sure that your document proofing is always efficient, economic, and above all – secure!

See more about our collaboration and document proofing tool.